Happy New Year 2013
Happy new year everybody. I do hope you all enjoyed yourselves and not stuffed yourself with food and wine. I know I did. I cannot wait to get back to the gym. I need to lose a kilo or two. Last January was quiet for me but it looks like this year is going to be a busy. I have had so many people who have heard about my services through word of mouth and that is great seeing as I do not actually advertise my services. Though I really should but so far, I've been doing pretty good considering.
I'm very lucky that I have a good client base to get me by, though I could probably do with more clients, but I would have to work extra hard and I wouldn't get any time for myself and my sanity is much more important. This has made me think a lot about where I want to be in the future and with the way the economy is going rental prices are starting to rise and property owners are starting to get greedy. Why are all landlords’ wankers?
So, I have been really thinking hard and I have decided that it is time for me to move on. I need to get out of London as it is getting a little claustrophobic for me. Maybe, it’s the city air, so much pollution and the London skies are always grey and as you know this time of the year gets quite depressing. So, I have been thinking that I will start to plan my move and I have decided that the only place that I would ever live is Brighton, on the South Coast. This place reminds me so much of home and I am always down that way. I know it will be cold during the winter, but I just want to get out of the big smoke and embrace the fresh air that Brighton has to offer.
Oh, don't worry it's not that far. It only takes like 50 mins on the train so it will be OK. Besides, you can make a day of your visit. Brighton is so beautiful.
So I have planned that in April I would like to be there, so wish me luck that all my plans fall into place. I promise I will keep you all updated.